Pricing for Classes


3-Day Yearly Registration fee $250

2-Day Yearly Registration fee $250


5th-12th $450 per month (3 days a week)

Kinder $330 per month Tuesdays and Thursdays (2 days a week) 

1-6th $360 per month Tuesdays and Thursdays

CORE pass gives you access to all age appropriate classes and activities on specified days. This is the best value and allows you to pick and choose
any classes you would like. Paid monthly with first installment by August 15, 2021 and by the 15
th of each month thereafter – September through

K-4th Yearly registration fee $100 per student

$100 per hour class per semester

5th-12th Yearly Registration fee $150 per student 

$250 per Semester Once Weekly Class

$350 per Semester Twice Weekly Class 

$150 per WORKSHOP (6 weeks)

$65 per hour Tutoring (Any Subject)

DURING PROJECT/WORK ED TIMES Students will be engaged in many different activities at the discretion of the instructors and may include-
work education, agriculture, industry, auto mechanics, tutoring/studying, outdoor education.


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