Frequently asked questions

No, ALA is not an accredited school and we do not plan to seek accreditation.  It is not necessary for getting into colleges or for transferring of highschool credits.

No, we are not a charter school. We are a learning center that provides a robust list of class options to complement your homeschooling. 

This program is designed to supplement the homeschool family and compliment what parents are doing at home, not completely replace it.  Our classes are enrichment classes; they are meant to provide balance for the homeschooling family and support parents, who remain their children’s primary teachers. Some of these Ala Carte classes are available to accept vouchers from charter schools.  Please ask Director for list of approved classes.

When you enroll as a Core Student, you are eligible to participate in any of the extracurricular activities, field trips and elective classes. 

Although our classes meet and exceed the requirements for high school credits, the high school you transfer to has the final decision about any transfer credits but usually you can provide the syllabus and evidence of class work and credits are accepted. 

No, our focus is on a different model of education.  Parents wishing to follow A-G will need to design their curriculum around those requirements but may still benefit from our alternative educational environment.

Most classes meet at The W.O.R.D. Center in Granite Bay.  Some classes are off site and some lessons are fulfilled in homes.

We are only interested in students who want this model of education and are invested in participating with us. We want families who are both actively involved with our program and work hard at home outside of classes to gain the most from their studies.  An interview with each CORE student will help us get to know their interests and whether or not our program is a fit for them and their family.  We welcome drop-ins to explore what we are doing if arranged in advance. 

We are able to accept vouchers for specific approved classes and workshops.  Please ask the director which classes are available for charter vouchers or look for our class list on your charter’s vendor list.  We have been vendors with the following charter schools for over 10 years and work closely with them to make sure you get what you need.  A few of our elective classes interact heavily with the Bible and with a Christian world view so we cannot accept government funds to support these classes.  At this time we provide some classes and tutoring for South Sutter Charter School, The Cottonwood School, Forest Charter, Horizon Charter Schools, Winship, Clarksville and Feather River Charter Schools (Sequoia Grove)

If one of our programs sounds right for you


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